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It's been two weeks, today, since the deadline for entry into
Puppet Contest 2008: A Space Odyssey. We just wanted to update you on the progress of the judging. We've received word back from most of our distinguished judges regarding their top picks and expect to hear from all of them before the weekend is through.
Those of you who participated in the contest will be glad to know that many of the judges have sent comments along with their top ten choices. We'll be passing those comments via email on to you. The comments from the judges are invaluable to those looking to ever improve their skills as puppet builders and character creators - a truly amazing opportunity, in tandem with the spirit of Project Puppet.

28 Entries!

Puppet Contest 2008: A Space Odyssey received entries from all around the world...Spain, Germany, Australia, Britain, Canada, USA, and even Iceland! Twenty-eight entries in all, which must be a significant number when it comes to puppet contests. We received the exact same number of entries in the previous two contests , from the first annual puppet contest held at Project Puppet to this one. Go figure!

As you can see from the sampling above, we received a lot of great entries. The work each contestant put into their space character really shines through, lots of crazy characters with wacky personalities and stories. Thanks to all who participated this year! We'll get the Top Ten Finalists up for the public vote as soon as we can!

Svona hljómar nýjasta fréttabréf þeirra hjá Project Puppet. Það sést glitta í Galdur þarna við ártalið 2008.  Ég yrði agalega sáttur að komast í topp 10!


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1 identicon

Þetta er allt að koma hjá þér og ég fylgist spenntur með.

Guðmundur Heiðar Gunnarsson (IP-tala skráð) 17.11.2008 kl. 22:39

2 Smámynd: Aldís María Valdimarsdóttir

já ég er líka orðin mega spennt yfir þessu! :)

Aldís María Valdimarsdóttir, 19.11.2008 kl. 02:39

3 identicon

Þú ert með mesta krútt áhugamál í heimi Denni ! Og ert að gera það listavel.

Áfram Denni og áfram Galdur. 

Guffi (IP-tala skráð) 20.11.2008 kl. 20:22

4 Smámynd: Ingvar Valgeirsson


Ingvar Valgeirsson, 22.11.2008 kl. 20:51

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